Four and a half years ago it seemed very uncertain whether we could write this. Six months into running a new business, the recruitment world as we knew it changed forever. A sector that needs market confidence to trigger investment now faced global economic uncertainty. In short, we had no idea if we could survive. We were also acutely aware that we may have made ourselves unemployable in the depths of a global health and financial crisis!
So, we had no choice but to fight for the concept of Dryden Search. A business established to redefine the recruitment industry’s view on recruitment-to-recruitment firms. A company we believed 100% in.
What did we do?
- We doubled down on the basics. We spoke to everyone we could and we listened carefully.
- We acted on and captured every bit of information. Every lead, every referral, every introduction we tried to chase.
- We expanded our networks here and overseas, getting others to believe in what we were trying to do.
- We chased revenue but always maintained the quality of our service.
- We focused on the quality of our data. On ensuring our CRM was an enabler, not a hindrance to making placements.
- We listened to everyone we spoke to and ensured we were building a business the sector needed and wanted.
And we built the Dryden Search which operates today.
- A business that has placed candidates from Analyst to Partner level in search firms in the US, UK, Europe, Middle East and APAC.
- A business that works with the most recognised names in Executive Search, the fast growth boutiques and some of the smallest most niche players in their chosen markets.
- A business that has been trusted as a retained partner by firms on crucial hires
- A business with an unrivalled database of high-quality recruitment and search professionals across multiple markets.
- A business where our advisory work – our market reports, our benchmarking exercises – are beneficial to firms in their ability to make strategic hiring decisions.
There are so many people to thank.
Everyone who has ever taken the time to speak to us, meet us and provide feedback. We listened, and you have helped us get to where we are. To those who trusted us helping them fill a role or find a new job. To the team at Dryden Search. Past and present. You have all made such important contributions and we cannot thank you enough.
We keep going, focusing on the basics, never taking anything for granted, and ensuring we are still redefining people’s views on the value of “rec to rec.”
Here’s to another 5 years!
Dan Flynn and Daniel Close
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